Sun, 16 May 1999 18:32

Learning to walk again


Logan had a craniotomy for a medulloblastoma (cancerous brain tumor) on 4/17/99. Post-surgical MRI results from 5/11 show no tumors in the brain or spinal fluid areas. A spinal tap and infusaport (a permanent 'vein' to be used for chemotherapy) surgery are scheduled for 5/26. The spinal tap will rule out if any cancer cells have 'leaked' into spinal column from the brain surgery. Logan will begin chemotherapy on 5/27 in-patient at Duke Medical Center in Durham, NC. As a minimum, the entire treatment is expected to last a year.

We are encouraged to see him recovering so well from the surgical portion of this roller coaster ride. His balance seems to be coming back little by little each week. He is taking a few steps on his own but, still requires a little tykes baby shopping cart to get around the house. His speech and personality seem back to normal. My main concern is that he still vomits most days at least once--which his oncologist, Dr Longee, says is normal for this type of tumor for several months after surgery. I am doing a lot of praying and reading about chemotherapy, radiation and also about nutrition and cancer. Also, we are trying to encourage and support Logan and to laugh daily and cherish every breath and moment in all of our lives. It just brings to mind the truth that really ALL of us are walking in that valley of the shadow of death; some of us may have 2 years or 50 years, or more; only God knows when we will be called home.

Take care and God bless you,
